The final week of the March challenge is upon us. it's hard to believe we are fully into the spring season!
There are 5 classes left in the challenge. If you got behind due to sickness, vacation or life, please just keep going and finish the challenge in your time. The 30 classes on the advanced channel are designed to elevate your barre game. What is most important is that you complete each class in your time.
Here are the remaining classes for the March Challenge:
#28 BS EXPRESS 20 MIN LOWER BODY BURN: This is a total body class but has a series leg series in it. No props needed.
#29 BS EXPRESS 23 MIN STAND UP: This is a total body class that is made up of circuits where you stand, side plank, bridge and a few other things to round it out. I used hand weights.
#30 BS EXPRESS 5 min TIRED TRICEPS: The tricep is the most under developed muscle of the female arm. NO MORE! As an added challenge, complete BS 30 min #5 of 5 MORE THAN CORE.
Check the blog next weekend for some new videos and updates on the NEXT CHALLENGE coming in May!!!