Challenge check in! How is everyone doing on carving out some time each day to complete your workout? We are almost to our final week! I have added 2 more videos to the Lean Legs Channel. 1 of them will be part of next weeks challenge. I want to reiterate that the videos on the beginner channel are not easy. The only difference is I give more instruction and I break down the series differently. Please push play on these videos! You can increase the intensity by wearing ankle weights, doing more reps, and not taking breaks when I explain each exercise. Here is the list for the week of June 29th:
Monday : 20 min Shaky Legs with Ankle Weights (Lean Legs Channel)
Tuesday: 7 min Beginner Week 1 Core (no planks) bonus burn (beginner channel) AND 12 min Beginner Week 2 Arms/Abs Bonus Burn (Beginner Channel)
Wednesday: Body Sculpt Series #1 Total Body Focus 30 minutes (Body Sculpt Channel)
Thursday: 30 min Intermediate Week 4 Workout #2 (Intermediate Channel)
Friday: This one is a doozy! Complete the 30 day core challenge videos #1-#3. That's right. Do the first 3 core challenge videos back to back to back. A perfect way to head into your 4th of July weekend! It's not impossibly and it will leave your core sore as you laugh all weekend.