Here is the weekly workout calendar as we head into the first week of DECEMBER! 2020 is almost over folks. There are a few videos from the Beginner Channel that are in this weeks calendar. As always, please still do these videos even if you have been doing my classes for awhile. They are still intermediate exercises, the only difference is I explain each exercise with more detail and give more modifications. If you want to challenge yourself during these videos, you can do more reps while I am explaining the next exercise. Keep moving!
Sunday: #3 10 min Ab Blast - INT CHANNEL
Monday: #27 40 min THE BEST BARRE CLASS "New" - INT CHANNEL
Wednesday: #13 20 min Complete Failure. Ball and Handweights - INT CHANNEL
Thursday: #2 40 min - BEGINNER CHANNEL
Saturday: LEG DAY!!15 min Butt Lifting Pretzel AND 17 min Legs on Fire Cardio Barre Fusion - LEAN LEGS CHANNEL